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Areas of expertise

Inclusive Political Governance

Gender  Equality & Human Rights

Anti-Corruption & Freedom of Information

I am an expert in constitutional reform, parliamentary development and political party development, having worked with UNDP as the Global Constitutional Assistance and Political Dialogue Specialist and prior to that as the Pacific Regional Democratic Institutions and Accountability Specialist.


My work has included providing technical advice on constitutonal content and process in countries such as Somalia, Sierre Leone and Libya.  I have also designed and undertaken numerous parliamentary inductions/trainings and developed handbooks, corporate plans and other key strategic documents for legislatures.


Selection of publications authored:

I am an expert in gender mainstreaming, with a particular focus on women's political participation. I have undertaken numerous trainings for MPs and civil society on gender equality and women's rights. I also authored publications and papers on promoting women in politics through temporary special measures and ran the first ever Practice Parliaments for Women, as well as the PacWIP website.


I am expert in human rights, hving both studied and worked in the field while at the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative and UNDP. I have run numerous trainings for MPs on human rights issues and have contributed to various publications on the topic.


Selection of publications authored:

I am an expert in anti-corruption, having worked with UNDP as the Pacific Democratic Institutions and Accountability Specialist. I have undertaken trainings of public officials, MPs and CSOs on UNCAC, leading to numerous ratifications. I also worked with the PNG Government to develop their National Anti-Corruption Strategy and have contributed to a range of publications on the topic.


I am an expert on FOI, having run the FOI Programme at CHRI and implemented the Pacific FOI Programme while at UNDP. I have undertaken numerous trainings on FOI and assiting with developing and/or and reviewed numerous draft FOI policies and Bills.


Selection of publications authored:

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