Substantive authorship
(2017) “Handbook for Parliamentarians on SDG Implementation and Development Effectiveness”, commissioned by UNDP Amman Regional Hub and GOPAC, to be published;
(2017) “Roadmap on Women’s Leaership Programming”, commissioned by Pacific Women, to be published;
(2017) “Synthesis Report: Women’s Leadership in the Pacific”, DFAT/Pacific Women, Suva;
(2017) "Practice Parliament for Women Training Manual", comissioned by UNDP Pacific Hub, Suva;
(2016) "Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 16 Advocacy Toolkit", commissioned by the Transparency, Accountability and Participation Network;
(2015) "Civil society participation, public accountability and the UN Convention against Corruption", commissioned by Transparency International Headquarters Berlin;
(2014) "Guidance Note on Constitution-Making Support", UNDP;
(2012) “Conflict, fragility and governance: How to ensure the next development compact reflects the need for a supportive enabling environment?”, paper submitted to Post-2015 consultation in Monrovia, Liberia, Nov-12;
(2012) “Pacific Women in Politics website”, developed while at the UNDP Pacific Centre;
(2011) “Video of Kiribati Mock Parliament”, in collaboration with Joanne Lee Kunatuba, PIFS Gender Officer;
(2011) “Practitioner’s Guide: Methodology for Capacity Assessments of Anti-Corruption Agencies”, a product of the global UNDP Anti-Corruption Team of Advisors;
(2010) “Guidance Note on Undertaking UNCAC Self-Assessments: Going Beyond The Minimum”, in collaboration with UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre, Bangkok;
(2010) “Changing Laws: A Legislative Lobbying Toolkit”, substantive drafting inputs to publication of the Regional Rights Resources Team and Fiji Women’s Rights Movement;
(2009) “Utilising Temporary Special Measures to Promote Gender Balance in Pacific Legislatures: A Guide to Options”, co-authored with Dr Lesley Clerk;
(2008) "Freedom of Information for Pacific Policy Makers: Regional Workshop Report", PIFS/UNDP;
(2007) “Evaluations of UNDP Parliamentary Support Projects in Fiji, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands”, co-authored with two consultants;
(2006) "Pacific Information Disclosure Toolkit", drafted for the AusAID Pacific Media Assistance Scheme;
(2004) “Democracy and Development: Promoting parliamentary transparency through access to information”, paper for the CPA Annual Conference 2004;
(2003) “Open Sesame: Looking for the Right to Information in the Commonwealth”, CHRI publication for CHOGM, co-authored and edited, supported by a team of drafters;
Submissions to governments based on analyses of Freedom of Information Bills in Fiji, Vanuatu, Mozambique, Guyana, Uganda, Zambia India and Pakistan,;
Guidance notes for Indian officials on implementing the new Right to Information Act 2005;
Various advocacy articles in the international press, including in Asia and the Pacific.
Edited / Substantively Reviewed
UNDP/IPU (2011) “Global Parliamentary Report”, first ever such global report by UNDP’s BDP-DGG team, requested to be peer reviewer, report due to be launched in 2012;
UNDP/PIFS (2011) “Urban youth in the Pacific increasing resilience and reducing risk for involvement in crime and violence”;
UNDP (2010) “Making Aid Work: Towards Better Development Results”, practical guidance for parliamentarians on the role of parliaments in development effectiveness;
UNDP (2009) Pacific Centre “Pacific Civil Society Engagement Strategy”
UNDP (2008) “Practice Note on Parliamentary Development”;
UNDP (2006) "Guide to Measuring the Impact of Right to Information Programmes - Practical Guidance Note";
ICJ-Kenya (2006) “Citizens Handbook on Freedom of Information”;
(2005) “Police Accountability: Too Important to Neglect, Too Urgent to Delay”, CHRI publication for CHOGM;
Kenya Human Rights Commission (2005) “Transitions in a Closed Democracy”;
Transparency International (2005) “Anti-Corruption Handbook: Right to Information Chapter”.
2010 - present
2010 - present